November 14, 2012

  • The America I use to know

    I'm not too political when it comes to it all. I am into Voting and knowing facts and making sure what we're getting into is something important as well. I take into view how articulate the people are and how they try to speak to the people. I really don't like liars or when people get caught in lies because they're discredited, depending of the context.

    I was speaking to this man who was apparently very conservative and he directed me to the movie Obama's 2016 but unfortunately I still haven't watched it but I am curious. Now it was obviously we disagreed politically and no matter what we said it was a disagreement which was why he directed me to the movie. He said "every person who votes for Obama is wrong".... wait what? Who died and made him in charge of what's right from wrong? But he was basing it on nonsense, his spiels were incoherent. He also stated that because Obama took "God" away from the US the whole country was going to be converted Muslim. Yea, that will be a piece of cake in 4 years after seeing how difficult it was for reforms and more positive changes.

    His argument was Obama is for "change." And the America that "you [I] know will be gone" - his words.

    I don't know about you but I started thinking about the word "change" and to me it was a positive feel. I want change I need Something more.

    The America I remember is full of fear, despair, living under false pretenses. But you know what? That's not the America I want to know. There are parts of history that are embedded into our hearts and minds and daily lives but it's not how we're defined as people. I want my peace of mind. I want work, I want my rights, I want to be able to be pro-life because I choose to be (and not like China where you can have 2 kids only) I don't want women to feel victimized or their freedom taken away. I don't believe in abortion but you can't force in come cases to be condoned. It's idiotic. It's your right to have a choice and that's your voice and how it should be. No government should have that much control over us.  I want for people to stop being selfish and start thinking of the country's future which is the kids. Stop taking funding from the schools. We need smarter kids not stupider who only join the military because there's nothing else out there. We need to give hope to kids. We need to let them dream again. We need to tell them they could be anything they want if they keep reading and if parents read to their kids everyday, and they learn math and language skills and how to be courteous with others. If kids join the military it's because that is their calling and they chose their path and they have their plans. Not everybody can be one thing because we need people to go to college and become Doctors and nurses and computer science techs and parents, and teachers and etc...

    People have gotten so much into its a "me world" they're selfishly looking out for number 1 and let the world fuck itself over. This mentality needs to change. Parents need to give credibility to the teachers or have an open mind instead of I'm ready to attack for any stupid thing. If you know how your kids are why blame the teacher, she/he is only doing the best interest of the child. But for the same reason no person/teacher has the right to tear away a dream or tell someone they can't do something. That's where the life of a kid goes wrong.

    We as people need to nurture the future and help mold them into great citizens. Citizens that will vote for what they believe. Its our responsibility to make this possible. A president as much as he has power he can't do all the changes without the cries and pleas of the people. We need to make sure we're doing our part.

    This is how I will not get the America I use to know but the America I want for my kid. Civic duties are important and stop complaining you have jury duty.. do you prefer one person choose your fate or a group of your peers as the law states?

Comments (6)

  • I really like this post ! Totally agree. the only thing is I maybe got used to some 'lying'...just because one party makes false promises doesn't mean they lose ALL their credbility.
    However when things are entirely baseless like saying Obama wants to turn the country muslim I can't take the person who said it seriously anymore.

  • The biggest problem is those who hold to a certain view and really can't explain why.  It's seen on both sides and makes me kind of sick.  But it's the life of a libertarian, liberals call me conservative, conservatives call me liberal lol. 

    No one can tell anyone they're wrong unless you give your reasons why you fell how you do, and well, they're based on untuths.  There IS a lot of that out there. 

    Personally, we've seen both Romney and Obama lie.  Neither was or is going to do what it'll take to give us the nation we dream of.  But everyone has different dreams.  That's the other problem.

    Education has become a joke.  We can dump all the money we want into it, and it will never do any good.  Not until parents become parents again.  But that can't happen until the gov't releases the shackles, and pretty much forces them to do so.  I really wish I had the ability to homeschool my children.  I don't have the skillset to do it.  But neither do a lot of teachers out there.  With 5 kids in school, I've seen plenty of teachers that openly admit they only care about the pay and benefits.  Maybe it's just our district, but the teacher that honestly cares seems to be a rare commodity. 

    That's why I favor eliminating the Dept of Ed at the federal level.  It seems to stifle criticle thinking skills.  It's critical thinking skills that lead to new innovations, new solutions to our problems.  We've been trying the same crap for nearly 100 years, and the debt piles up, jobs disappear, etc.  Time for something different lol.  They only teach to pass tests now.  Not to solve problems. 

    I'm actually upset I've never had jury duty.  I've never missed an election, yet a lot of folks I know have been selected lol.  I think it would be interesting.

  • Bingo.

    Education is incredibly important, yet it's being consistently watered down and critical thinking skills are no longer taught at all, it seems.
    No wonder the election campaigns are full of one-liners, soundbites, and assertions. No one seems to want to check the facts for themselves anymore, hence why Fox News seems to be so successful (just one example; the other side is bad at times too).
    But, it's the old adage... you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
    Ultimately, it comes down to the parents: they're usually so self-obsessed that they think they can let the schools raise their kids then wonder why they turn out the way they do. More than anything, I believe we need a parenting revolution before we see any improvement in society as a whole - one that's less selfish, and more prepared to work for each other for everyone's benefit.

  • That man you were speaking to is the typical Faux News indoctrinated bobblehead that's only parroting what he hears, what fits his fears and prejudices. Pay no mind to people like that. The second someone spits out any of those silly soundbites ("Obama is a Muslim," "He wasn't born in the US"), I stop talking to that person. Boom. Done.

    Good post.

  • Several good points here!  Shows you're thinking on your own, which is more than that guy.

  • @under_the_carpet - I agree a party cannot lose all credibility on some lies. I guess that's why they have white lies lol 

    Yea once the guy started talking noneless and he was suppose to be a guy of some respect. He wanted our business. He's a lender. Oh well for him.
    @grim_truth - Maybe you're more moderate. I know I am but for a while in some policies I fell more in repub but in the end it's a tug o' war which makes more people fall on both sides and it's so hard to choose one unless we see that what they're trying to offer falls more into what we all want. 

    Yea we all have many dreams and I guess it's a conflict of interest for whoever the president is and what he wants for the country and whether that will be accepted.
    It's obvious we have a lot of work to do with the country but it needs to be made before it gets worse. Education is a joke but there are some great teachers still trying hard and even though a lot is ruined we shouldn't just give up on it. We must keep trying and pushing and striving the kids to do more and do better. The school system does need some evaluating and fixing because there is some useless teaching and other that can be redirected into better. WE need to learn skills that will be useless in daily life and will be useful for college and same applies for colleges and universities.
    I hope you get jury duty at some point. I've been and gone to the sitting parts but never been elected. I guess I have many years ahead of me for an opportunity. 
    @cmdr_keen -  Yea it's upsetting how Fox is prevailing above many stations and without review of their facts. It's insane how many people watch it and believe. frankly I don't believe anything I see anymore or question the validity. You can't trust anything anymore or people or sources that are meant to be factual. What has this world come to. It's sad. 
    Parents really should be more involved. Actually the school where my son goes. It leaves pretty involving when it comes to him homework and interacting with my child. I like how it is but it is a bit of a sacrifice when there is so much to do but then again I know I want him to have a better life and my time is very well spend. 
    @Unstoppable_Inner_Strength - thanks, he was sounding crazy! haha 

    @saturnnights - Thank you I appreciate it! 

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