October 10, 2012

  • I've been wanting to come and write and I even had topics... but goodness my memory lacks the stimulation and I have completely forgotten, granted it was a few days ago. Oh well..

    Hope all is well in xangaland... Yes sometimes I need to vent and sometimes I'm still going crazy and now the one who puts up with me is so sweet and gentle. He even holds me when I have nightmares at night and wipes my tears. I could never have asked for such a sweet person in the world. 

    It's so weird though. I don't understand how I'm' having all these nightmares suddenly in the last few months. I don't ever remember having such impacting nightmares where I wake-up scares, crying, hyperventilating... And sadly they're still engraved in my mind. It's actually have made me more paranoid about my son, my bf and families well-being.


    I just pray that they were just nightmares.


    I wasn't even on planning on going online but my mom needed an order placed so she send me to starbucks. It's nice and relaxing me time. I needed this. I went to buy a scratcher because I even had a dream about that and luckily I won $20 =D Sometimes nights just get better than days... *sigh* ... I was just a little stressed today with a bill I have to pay. it happens that something went wrong and they had made a mistake so i had to fix it and it was 93.14 and a little unexpected but at least it's up to date and the landlord can stop his whining. I wish my parents can get out of here but when we start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel it ends up just being the reflection of incoming traffic. *sigh* one day... and then I try and finally treat myself for something and sometimes I end up feeling bad... God, I'm praying for a job. I guess we all wish they'd land in our laps but that never hardly ever happens.  

    oh well, hope you all have a wonderful day or night where ever you are. I'm sorry I haven't stopped by. I need internet to take the time to read and when I come to use the internet I'm usually in a hurry. 


    Good night all... 


Comments (5)

  • Espero que las cosas mejoren para ti. A mi me han dicho que las pesadillas pasan por el stress que tenemos encima y en mi caso es verdad. Quizas deberias escribir tus pesadillas para que los puedas olvidar. Eso me ha ayudado a mi. Espero que duermas bien esta noche. Buenas noches, amiga! Abrazos. 

  • @boricua_chic_2008 - Gracias amiga yo espero que si pero todas las 6 que a tenido en los ultimos meses los a contado y entan engravados. Nada mas quiciera que se me borraran pero duelen. Espero que nomas sea estres y es todo. Gracias por el apoyo. Te lo agradesco. *abrazos* espero que todo este bien contigo. =D 

  • good to see you and you are missed

  • @pinktiger335 - De nada, amiga. Trata de no pensar en esas pesadillas. Mantente positiva y piensa que todo esta bien y asi sera. Yo estoy bien pero triste tras la muerte de mi primo. Tengo un poco de estres por muchas cosas pero espero en Dios que todo me funcione. Si necesitas hablar de cualquier cosa pues cuenta conmigo. Te puedo dar mi numero y me puedes hablar o textear a la hora que sea. Cuidate mucho! <3

  • vivid dreams can be increased and more often remembered by increamsing one's intake of good food but more importantly b vitamines... breads grains that magically are better for a person in their place.s of course...carb on the lips a lifetime on the hips. :P =

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